January 2021 Minutes

Virtual Meeting – Monday 18th January 2021
A meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held remotely via ZOOM video conference call on Monday 18th January at 7:00 pm.  This was attended by 2 members of the public and the following Councillors:
Paul Barnes (Chair), Stephen Dickey, Valery Gemmell, Peter Coupland, Caroline Stockford & the Clerk – Robyn Negus.
Public Forum – A public forum was opened:
A Parishioner asked when we can expect the flood lights to be replaced on the playing field.  Clerk confirmed that these works were scheduled to commence within the next 2 weeks. 
Another Parishioner raised concerns regarding flooding in Little Marsh Lane, outside the new houses.  Cllr Gemmell advised that LCC have now set up a Flood Resilience team, so would be worth approaching them for guidance.  It was agreed that the Clerk would raise these issues with the team along with concerns raised for recent floods in Greenfields.  A further issue was raised regarding HGV's using Hocklesgate and having to reverse as their vehicles are too large to access.  It was agreed that the Clerk would follow up on previous requests for 'Not Suitable for HGV's' signs to be erected. 
The Public Forum was closed, and the main meeting commenced at 7:15pm
Report from elected members of Lincolnshire Council and South Holland District Council – Cllr Coupland reported that the Bus Stop Clearway in Old Main Road is now scheduled to be carried out very soon.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all.

1. Apologies for Absence – received from Cllr McNally, Cllr Ward and Cllr Donley. Reasons given were noted and accepted by all.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respects of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in Agenda items. Interest noted for Cllr Stockford in respect of item 14 on the agenda.  Declaration of Interest book noted and will be signed when Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.

3. Signing of the Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2020, with previous omission now corrected, and meeting held on 16 November 2020 were read and agreed by all, as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4. Financial Matters:
• Reconciliation of Bank account - Clerk talked through current bank balance following reconciliation of the bank statement for November & December 2020 - Clerk advised balance as of 31st December 2020 was £19,554.92, with no pending payments or receipts.  Members were provided with a copy of the latest bank statement for their records:
• Payment of Invoices - Payments since last meeting:

Payment Type




Online Payment




Online Payment


Grants & Donation


Online Deposit


Playing Field & Pavilion


Online Payment


Grass Cutting


Online Payment


Grass Cutting


Online Payment


Salary & Wages


Online Payment


Salary & Wages


Online Payment


Repairs & Maintenance


Direct Debit




Online Payment


Bus Shelter


Online Payment




Online Payment


Repairs & Maintenance


Direct Debit




At 19:24 Cllr Coupland & Cllr Penney joined the meeting.
• Budget Forecast -Considerations ahead of Precept decision in January 2021 – Clerk had circulated a copy of the 21/22 budget forecast for councillors to review.  Following an in-depth review and discussion, Cllr Gemmell proposed that we increase the Parish Precept for 2021/22 by 5%.  **Cllr Penney left the meeting, due to technical issues** And a vote of 4 For and 1 Abstained was carried.

5. To receive reports - from:
• Playing Field & Pavilion Working Group – Cllr P Coupland reported that the park and playing field inspections continue to take place.  He confirmed that there was no damage or litter, but some attention will be needed to the pavilion in the coming months.   
• Fund Raising Committee – Cllr Gemmell reported that the committee have been working hard with lots of virtual meeting being held to put together a project plan to submit applications.  She also confirmed that we have insufficient tenders and opportunities at this time to progress with a grant for the hard standing.  There are grant opportunities to apply for adult gym equipment. But the deadline for applications is the 1st February 2021.  Therefore, the committee were asking if approval from Council can be granted to apply for available funds, for items that were further down the Parishioner choices list following the playing field re-development questionnaire.  Following much discussion, it was resolved that further consideration and a full review of the proposal was needed before a decision could be made. Therefore, an Extraordinary meeting was called and will be held on Tuesday 26th January 2021.      
• Planter Maintenance & War Memorial Committee – Due to ZOOM technical issues Cllr Penney was unable to deliver her report – Agenda March 2021.

6. Community Payback scheme – Nothing further to report at present.

7. Correspondence Received:

• Email from Parishioner to ask if we could raise or escalate cases for repairs required to Hargate Close and Cherry Lane pavements.  Clerk reported that Case reference 377942 for Hargate Close had already been raised asked if this could be reviewed as a priority.  A response has been received works are on the schedule list to repair.  With regards to Cherry Lane Case reference 382788 was raised attaching a copy of photos received.  Following a couple of chasers, an update was received from Highways 'We are sorry, but we are not taking immediate action with this report because the site has been visited and we think the photos are not of Cherry Lane as we were unable to locate any defects that match the photos. If the issue is ongoing, please report it to us again providing the exact location details'.  Clerk confirmed she will visit Cherry lane herself later this week to have another look and take some more photos to resubmit.
• Email from Parishioner asking about boundaries for a property at the end of Eastgate.  Photos of the area were shared, and Cllr Coupland reported that Highways were already aware of this issue following a visit to Fleet and a case has been raised. 
• Email from Parishioner asking if the Parish Council will consider adding placing CCTV cameras on Old Main road end and pavilion end of the playing field to their list of improvements to the playing field at such a time when funds permit.  Some concerns were raised over who would monitor the CCTV, ongoing cost and legal requirements because of children using the playing field as well as protecting the privacy of parishioners.  But, it was agreed that further consideration would be given once we have progressed with our grant applications and project plan. 
• Letter received form a Parishioner requesting we remove the bench sited on Fleet Road near the industrial estate.  The letter received was circulated and contents noted.  It was resolved that the bench would remain, but a request already submitted for a litter bin be chased by the Clerk as a priority.  Council will continue to monitor the area and ask the local PCSO to include in their patrol in a effort to deter gatherings and what appears to be antisocial behaviour.

8. Tree Planting on the Playing Field.  Cllr Barnes gave an overview of national information he has seen asking communities to become involved in planting trees within their Parish and Towns.  He asked if the Council would consider allocating an area on the playing field for this and involve the community and children in planting the trees.  Cllr Coupland confirmed that SHDC are aware of this campaign and will have grants available.  Clerk reported that the Woodland Trust are offering advise on what trees could be planted, depending on the soil type and area.  It was agreed that Cllr Barnes, Cllr Dickey and Cllr Coupland would meet (once social distancing rules permit) to review an area of approximately 500 metres square to determine viability. 

9. Actions List - Clerk went through the current Actions List to provide an update and ascertain which items had been dealt with since the last meeting:
• Query raised over whereabouts and use of funds from sale of old village hall.  Clerk reported that she had received a reply form The Fleet Parish Charity, which is a charity that was set up to hold the funds from the sale of the old village hall.  It advised, following advise sort from the Charity Commission regarding our request for consideration to amend how the funds could be utilised, their comments were not favourable as it is not the role of a charity to fund Council projects.  But rather the Council's role to help build up fund and support the aim of the charity.  Possibly over time releasing the funds necessary to build a new village hall, which is the main objective of The Fleet Charity.  It was agreed the Clerk would reply and request confirmation of the total value of the funds and where they are held so a joint funded project may be considered should opportunity and funding arise to build a new village hall.   
• Additional Notice Board Eastgate.  Clerk reported that the location has been agreed and erection pending. 
• Request for consideration for Drop kerbs on corner of Eastgate Gdns & Eastgate and another on corner of Burgess Drive & Eastgate.  Clerk reported that no further updates have been received from highways.
• Public Space Protection Order – Application of PSPO to enforce dogs on leads whilst using the playing field.  Still pending further updates.
• Request for a waste bin to be sited near information board on Fleet Road.  Clerk reported that this will be followed up as a priority.
• Reports of vermin coming from Holbeach House.  No further updates to report.

10. Speed Watch Initiative – In the absence of Cllr McNally, Clerk advised that there was nothing further to report at this time.  Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Barnes and the Clerk would investigate the cost of new interactive signs that could be placed around the Parish to assist with speeding issues.  It was also agreed that the Clerk would chase for Police to visit and place speed cameras as originally agreed. 

11. Planning Matters – Planning Applications and decisions received from SHDC since the last meeting were noted and not further comments added:

Applications received since last Meeting:


Reference no - Type



Comments by:


H05-0851-20 FULL

Proposed Agricultural Store

Mill House Farm Roman Bank


15/12/2020 Notice of Appeal


Erection of 3 pairs of semi-detached 3 bed dwellings along with up graded site entrance and

road way, car parking and bin storage - re-submission of H05-0572-19

37 Fleet Road Fleet Spalding




Demolition of storage building and erection of new agricultural packhouse - approved under H05-0396-17. Modification of Condition 5 relating to operating hours.

You Garden Packhouse Long Lane


Decided Planning Applications by SHDC:







H05-0781-20 FULL

Proposed Garage/Store and Annexe

Westwaize Langary Gate Road Gedney Hill Spalding



H05-0686-20 FULL

Erection of Garage - retrospective

The Dees Old Main Road Fleet Hargate Spalding



H05-0584-20 FULL

Proposed Indoor Riding Arena (menage)

Bank House Farm Bens Gate Fleet Spalding



H05-0668-20 Reserved Matters

Erection of house - outline approval H05-1160-16 (allowed on appeal)

37 Fleet Road Fleet Spalding


12. Emergency Planning – Clerk reported that she had located the original 'Battle Box' (Emergency Kit) and will arrange collection.  It was confirmed that the Emergency Kit is owned by the Fleet Parish and therefore, is to be maintained and checked by the community.  A revised Emergency Plan document has been received and will be reviewed with an aim of re-establishing the Emergency Plan for Fleet. 

13. To Note Date of Next Meeting – Monday 15th March 2021.  Next Meet & Greet Public Forum postponed until further notice.
It was resolved to go into closed session to discuss item 14 on the agenda.

20:45 The public & Cllr Stockford left the meeting.

14. Grant Application from Friends of Fleet Wood Lane School