October 2022 Minutes
Fleet Parish Council
Meeting – Monday 17th October 2022
A meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held at the Community Hall, Hargate Close, Fleet Hargate on Monday 17th October 2022 at 7pm which was attended by ten members of the public, including a member of the press and the following Councillors: Paul Barnes (Chair), Peter Coupland, Geoff Donley, Eddie McNally, Caroline Stockford & the Clerk.
Public Forum – A public forum was opened, and the Chairman welcomed all:
A Parishioner asked when the Grass cutting for 2023 was up for Tender and gave feedback regarding the current cutting. Cllr Barnes confirmed his comments were noted and the Tender would be reviewed in our November meeting.
19:05 Cllr Stockford & Cllr Coupland joined the meeting
Another Parishioner raised concerns about the speed of traffic traveling down Hocklesgate and the many hedges that have not been cut that are causing obstruction. Cllr Barnes confirmed that the Parish Council are unable to enforce speeding, but LCC were currently reviewing the area. Another Parishioner noted that Police have been seen monitoring the area. With regards to hedges, he advised Parishioners to report via Fix My Street.
A Parishioner asked if we could create a Warm Hub in the Community Centre. Cllrs advised that the building is run by SHDC and always available to hire at a cost.
Report from elected member of Lincolnshire Council and South Holland District Council – Cllr Coupland advised he had little to report at this time.
19:20 The Chairman opened the meeting
22.10.42 Apologies for Absence and reasons given – David Rodwell, Evelyn Penney, & Valery Gemmell. Reasons given were noted and RESOLVED to accept by all.
22.10.43 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respects of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in Agenda items. Cllr McNally noted his interest in item 7c and the book was signed accordingly.
22.10.44 Signing of the Minutes – Clerk’s notes from the meeting on 26th September 2022 were read and after a small addition were RESOLVED by all, as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
22.10.45 Financial Matters:
• Reconciliation of Bank account - Clerk talked through current bank balance following reconciliation of the bank statement for September 2022 – The balance as of 30th September 2022 was £49,218.22 with pending payments £3,651.36 bringing the total balance to £42,629.91. Members were provided with a copy of the latest bank statement for their records.
• Clerk asked full council to review details for Unity Trust Bank in a view to consider changing our bank for the next financial year.
• Budget update 22/23 – Clerk had previously circulated a copy of the budget forecast for Cllrs to review. Nothing was raised as a concern.
• Payment of Invoices:
Direct Debit 21/09/2022 Electricity to pavilion 14.47
Online Payment 23/09/2022 Storage facilities - Holbeach PC 50.00
Online Payment 23/09/2022 Office supplies/stationery 50.89
Online Payment 12/10/2022 Clerk/RFO Salary 481.67
Online Payment 12/10/2022 Litter Picker wage 42.53
Online Payment 06/10/2022 Tax/NI contributions 160.20
Online Payment 06/10/2022 Playing Field grass cutting 770.26
Online Payment 06/10/2022 Upkeep of pavilion & playing field 1685.80
Online Payment 06/10/2022 Planters & plants 40.00
Online Payment 06/10/2022 Amenity grass cutting 420.00
22.10.46 The following policies were reviewed, and it was RESOLVED to adopt:
• Equality Policy
• Safeguarding Policy
22.10.47 To receive reports - from:
• Playing Field & Pavilion Working Party – Cllr Coupland reported that all was in order on the playing field.
a) Observations following Risk Assessment for Pavilion & Playing Field – O/S will be ready for November meeting.
b) Moles on playing field – Clerk advised this is now in hand
c) Update on new fencing on playing field – Now delivered and will be erected in the next couple of weeks.
d) Update on action to roll the playing field – Clerk advised that a recent attempt to resolve had been unsuccessful. A further quote has been obtained for 2 men to manually dig the area of concern at a cost of approx. £400. It was resolved that Cllr Coupland & Cllr Barnes would meet the contractor to discuss the works and a budget of £1,000 earmarked to fix the issue.
e) Confirmed date for Park Annual independent inspection – TBC The adult Gym equipment will be inspected on 17th November.
f) Consideration for purchase of a new bench for the playing field – Review November meeting
g) Review revised quotes for roundabout (if any) - Agenda November
h) Revisit request for Defibrillator to be installed in pavilion – Following a discussion that included item 7a and a review of quotations received, it was RESOLVED to purchase two Defibrillators at a cost of £2,500 plus instillation from Hearts London. One to be installed on the Pavilion and one possibly on the wall at Church end. Pending agreement from landowners.
• Grant Application Committee in respect of Redevelopment of the Playing Field – Cllr Stockford advised there was nothing to report at this time.
a) Cllr Donley confirmed that Land Registry documentation had been sent off in respect of the Playing Field and discussions were ongoing with SHDC in respect of our proposed planning application for the hard standing.
b) Update on results for Co-Op community vote – Clerk confirmed that we have now received a cheque for £759.85, which would be allocated against funds spent for the new pavilion windows.
c) Update - Grant application to Grange Wind Farm - Lincolnshire Community Foundation Fund in respect of roundabout – Funds received awaiting outcome of further grants to obtain a new roundabout.
d) Update - Grant application to Cambridgeshire Community Foundation in respect of roundabout – Awaiting update.
e) Update on prices to appoint independent Civil Engineer to draw plans for required works on playing field/hard standing – Pending
f) SHDC Prosperity Fund Update – Nothing further to report currently.
• Planter Maintenance & War Memorial Committee – Cllr Coupland reported that the works at the War Memorial had now been completed. There was a small additional cost of £150.00 due to unforeseen works. He also gave thanks to Cllr Barnes wife for her work on the planters.
• a) Update on quotes for membrane & gravel for the seating area – o/s Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for a contractor to carry out these works.
• Observations following asset inspections – O/S all Cllrs were asked to ensure these were done this month and bring to the November meeting.
22.10.48 Correspondence Received:
• Email from parishioner asking for consideration of a Defibrillator to be installed at the church/school end of Fleet. It was resolved that this had been discussed under item 6h.
• Email from parishioner asking if we can approach SHDC again to ask if redundant land in Cherry Lane can be adopted by Fleet Parish Council and used as a dog exercise area. It was resolved that whilst this is a good idea, previous requests have been declined as it is believed that the area is earmarked for another project and carries section 106 conditions attached to the nearby bungalows.
• Email from Fleet Responders Group asking for a donation towards their Winter project to assist with the cost of living. It was resolved to take this item into closed session.
• Email from SHDC regarding details of the Community Lottery – Details previously circulated. No further action required.
22.10.49 Actions List - To discuss completion of outstanding items and agree timescales – Clerk to lead
• Request for consideration for Drop kerbs on corner of Eastgate Gdns & Eastgate and another on corner of Burgess Drive & Eastgate. Clerk reported that confirmation had been received that works have been approved for this. Awaiting start date, Clerk has escalated for an urgent update.
• Public Space Protection Order – Application of PSPO to enforce dogs on leads whilst using the playing field – Clerk reported that a representative from SHDC was happy to have a meeting (zoom) to answer any question and offer advise on how we could proceed. It was agreed that Clerk would arrange a suitable date and Cllrs would create a list of questions in preparation – Outstanding
22.10.50 Speed Watch Initiative - To review any information gathered from the interactive speed sign & Police Speed Camera – Cllr McNally confirmed he had nothing to report at this time as still getting to know the software. We are also awaiting confirmation of the authorised lampposts we can use to erect the sign. Clerk to chase.
• Update on Proposal for speed limits to be reduced, Eastgate, Hall Gate & Church Lane – Cllr Barnes reported that we were awaiting the outcome of an assessment from LCC Highways to encompass Hazelwood Lane junction with Hockles Gate & Church Gate Junction with Proudfoot Lane and Hazelwood Lane.
• Cllr Stockford proposed that we facilitate a meeting with School, residents & highways to discuss safety/parking around the school – It was resolved to await the outcome of the assessment to take this forward.
22.10.51 Planning Matters – Cllr Donley gave an overview of recent planning applications, with any concerns that have been raised and submitted.
Applications received since last Meeting:
Date |
Reference no - Type |
Proposal |
Location |
Comments by: |
15.09.22 |
H05-0796-22 FULL |
Erection of storage building - retrospective |
The Depot Langary Gate Road |
06.10.22 |
15.09.22 |
H05-0432-22 FULL |
Proposed caretaker accommodation, visitor centre & memorial |
Adj. Anglia Motel Washway Road |
06.10.22 |
20.09.22 |
H05-0887-22 FULL |
Single storey extension |
11.10.22 |
05.10.22 Amendment received |
H05-0303-22 Reserved Matters |
Residential Development of 25 Dwellings (Phase 2) outline approval H05-0468-18 (with access via Phase 1 approved by virtue of planning permission H05-1183-16) |
50 Fleet Road Fleet |
15.10.22 |
11.10.22 |
H05-0963-22 FULL |
Extension to existing services building to allow for an on site shop |
01.11.22 |
11.10.22 |
H05-0955-22 Listed Building |
Works and conversion of barn into annexe and replace roof on adjoining packing shed. Amendments to previously approved H05-0232-19 (re-position gable end window) |
01.11.22 |
Decided Planning Applications by SHDC:
Date |
Reference |
Development |
Location |
Decision |
18.09.22 |
H05-0361-22 FULL |
Erection of 9 two-storey dwellings and associated infrastructure |
Land At Fleet Road Fleet Hargate Spalding |
Approved |
18.09.22 |
H05-0751-22 FULL |
Extension and alterations |
6 Princes Street Holbeach Spalding |
Approved |
09.10.22 |
H05-0815-22 Non Mat Amendment |
Single storey side extension to provide additional storage - approved under H05-0734- 20. Amendment to material of roof. |
9 Parklands Fleet Spalding |
Approved |
09.10.22 |
H05-0825-22 FULL |
Erection of Gym/Workshop with Annexe to First Floor - Retrospective |
Westwaize Langary Gate Road Gedney Hill Spalding |
Approved |
22.10.52 Forward Planning & Events
• Cllrs were reminded to complete expressed interest working party form
• Update on plans for annual ‘Fete’ on the Fleet Playing field on Sunday 11 June 2023 – Cllr Barnes proposed we book the Community hall and invite all Parishioners that would like to volunteer and help in organising/running the event to come along. This was agreed by all. Clerk to advertise for Tuesday 1st November at 7pm.
• Resolve on plans to take part in Spalding Flower Parade 6th May 2023 – Clerk confirmed that the date had now been changed to the 13th May. Lots of questions were raised. Clerk to obtain answers and confirmation of a few things. Agenda November.
• Feedback following yard sale – Clerk advised that Cllr Penney had said it was a good day, although not as many participants. £170.00 was raised towards the redevelopment of the playing field.
• Update on purchase/planting Oak tree near church – Cllr Coupland advised the church seemed keen but was awaiting a final decision.
22.10.53 Community Emergency Plan – It was resolved to Agenda November
22.10.54 To Note Date of Next Meeting – Monday 21st November 2022.
20:33 the meeting was closed
22.10.55 It was resolved to go into Closed Session to discuss item 7d
Following a review of the request for a donation towards the work being done by Fleet Responders Group. It was RESOLVED to donate £600 and support their work by advertising on the Parish website, Facebook page and notice boards.