March 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Annual Assembly of Fleet Parish – 20th March 2023

The Annual Parish meeting was held at the Community Hall, Hargate Close, Fleet Hargate on Monday 20th March at 7.00pm, 9 parishioners (detailed on annexed list) were in attendance plus the following Councillors: Paul Barnes (Chair), Evelyn Penney (Vice Chair), Geoff Donley, Valery Gemmell, Eddie McNally, Caroline Stockford & Laurence Marchant

Cllr Paul Barnes welcomed everyone to the Meeting.

The business transacted at the Meeting was as follows: -

1.   Apologies – Cllr Peter Coupland

2.   Minutes of the 2022 Meeting –The Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting in 2022 were read, confirmed, and signed as a true record.

3.   Matters Arising - There were no matters arising from the Minutes.

4.    Any other Business to be considered as an Agenda item for the next full Council Meeting: -

A Parishioner asked if there were plans to build a village hall within the Parish using advertised Levelling up funds.  Cllr Barnes gave an overview of information gathered from a recent Prosperity Fund meeting at SHDC.  In summary, for the year 22/23 SHDC have allocated £327k to distribute between all parishes.  Therefore, whilst plans for a village hall are not ruled out, we will be working towards smaller projects.  We also need to take into account maintenance and running costs of a village hall and review if estimated income would cover these costs.  A further question was asked if any further thought had been given to erecting a wind turbine.  Following a discussion, it was thought that more information would be needed to determine the infrastructure and ascertain how the energy generated could be fed back into the grid to distribute fairly to all parishioners within the parish. 

Cllr Penney asked if it would be beneficial to carry out a further survey to see what Parishioners want/need within the Parish.  Some fed back that it wouldn’t as what was previously requested has not happened.  Cllrs confirmed that some requests have been fulfilled, like the Adult Gym and additional play equipment, with other projects underway.  Grants are needed to fund the projects due to the limited Parish Precept.  It was resolved to work through the results already obtained in the previous survey.  

There being no further matters reported the Annual Parish Meeting was declared closed at 19:20.