July 2020 Minutes

Virtual Meeting – Monday 13 July 2020


A meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held remotely via ZOOM video conference call on Monday 13th July at 7:00 pm.  This was attended by 1 member of the public, a representative from the Lincolnshire Free Press and the following Councillors:

Paul Barnes (Chair), Geoff Donley, Stephen Dickey, Valery Gemmell, Yolanda Ward, Peter Coupland & Clerk – Robyn Negus


Public Forum – A public forum was opened:

  • A Parishioner raised concerns over the overgrown pathway between Eastgate Gardens and Burgess Drive.  It was agreed that the Clerk would report to SHDC.
  • A further question was asked about the use of the Pavilion and Covid-19.  Clerk advised she has already contacted SHDC for guidance on when/how we can reopen the Park and Pavilion.  It was agreed, that once a response was received, she would advise the Parishioner and Cllr Coupland.

Report from elected members of Lincolnshire Council and South Holland District Council – Cllr Coupland reported that many services within LCC and SHDC have been minimised to re address and cover other areas within the business to prioritise Covid-19 requirements.  He also mentioned that the Council budget had been harmed due to council taxes not being paid, but added that all Precepts had been paid.  Cllr Barnes asked about the restricted hours of the local recycling centre and increased fly tipping within the district. Cllr Coupland advised that SHDC were aware of the increase in fly tipping and have set up a good timetable to work on items that have fallen through the net.


The Public Forum was closed and the main meeting commenced at 7:15pm


The Chairman opened the meeting by giving thanks on behalf of Fleet Parish Council.  We are all tremendously grateful to the people serving on the frontlines of COVID-19 in essential services. This includes healthcare workers, first responders and volunteers. Not only are they ensuring we have essential care, supplies, and services, but are often going above and beyond to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Fleet Community.


  1. Apologies for Absence – received from Cllr McNally & Cllr Penney. Reasons given were noted and accepted by all.


  1. To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy – Clerk reported that the one applicant had now withdrawn their application and the vacancy will be now be reopened.


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respects of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in Agenda items.  Cllr Barnes noted an interest in a planning application on the Agenda, but had no objection or comment to add.


  1. Signing of the Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2020 were read and agreed by all, as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


  1. Financial Matters:
  • Reconciliation of Bank account - Clerk talked through current bank balance following reconciliation of the bank statement for May & June 2020 - Clerk advised balance as at 06/07/20 was £28,230.14 with no unpresented cheques.  This included receipt of an HMRC Tax rebate for £2,329.89 in respect of 20/21.  Members were provided with a copy of the latest bank statement for their records. 
  • Payment of Invoices - Online Payments  since last meeting:

Cheque Number/Payment ID



Value £

Online Payment


Audit Fees


Direct Debit




Online Payment


Membership Fees


Online Payment


Voice Advert


Online Payment


Insurance Renewal


Online Payment


Bus Shelter


Online Payment


Softwear Licence


Online Payment


Grants & Donation


Online Payment


Grass Cutting


Online Payment


Grass Cutting


Online Payment


Salary & Wages


Online Payment


Salary & Wages


Online Payment


Notice Board


Direct Debit





  • Budget Update 20/21 – Clerk had previously circulated a copy of the budget sheet for full Council to review.  All agreed that everything was in order.
  • Review and agree updated assets register – Obtain permission to dispose of broken Parish Printer – Clerk had previously circulated a copy of the updated Assets register document.  Full Council agreed that all was correct and accounted for.  Full agreement also obtained to dispose of broken Parish printer and to sell overstocked ink cartridges.
  1. To receive reports - from:
  • Playing Field & Pavilion Working Group – Cllr P Coupland:
  • The playing field inspections were still being carried out.  Travelers had been spotted in the Parish, so a local farmer had placed straw bales at the Burgess Drive end of the field to deter any attempts to access the field.
  •   Following the Government announcement that Playgrounds can now re-open a discussion took place on how we want to proceed to ensure we are in line with current legislation.  It was agreed that it would be uneconomical to attempt to clean play equipment after each use, so signage would be erected to remind parishioners to adhere to social distance guidelines and to use their own hand sanitizer after using play equipment and visiting the playing field.  This was agreed by all.  The Clerk would seek clarification on use of the picnic benches and report back.
  •   Xmas tree has now been removed and disposed of.
  •  Cllr Coupland advised now social distance rules had been relaxed, the electrical work would be reviewed.
  • Planning Issues – Cllr Donley reported no objections to planning applications received.  He also reported that the first Information Board had been installed along Fleet Road and damage caused by vandals to the Fleet Road Planter had now been repaired.
  • Fund Raising Committee – Cllr Gemmell reported that she had nothing to report at the moment but asked the Clerk to review files and find a ‘Vision Statement’ that had been produced in the past.  Cllr Barnes advised he had also done some work on a project plan that he would share with Cllr Gemmell.  Cllr Gemmell noted that we may be too late for consideration of Grant applications for this year, but would continue to build a file.  Cllr Gemmell also added that there is funding available for gym equipment through Health and Wellbeing, which she will find out more information and report back.  This was welcomed by all.


  • Planter Maintenance & War Memorial Committee – In the absence of Cllr Penney the Clerk reported that the Yard sale had now been rescheduled for Saturday 1 August 2020.  Cllr Dickey reported that he had assisted Cllr Penney with some planting at the War Memorial and it was looking very nice.  Thanks was given to Cllr Penney on behalf of the Parish Council, for her continued hard work.
  • Voluntary Car Scheme/Community transport/GNS – Cllr Gemmell reported that The Good Neighbourhood Scheme is up and ready for sign off and plans to join up with local Covid Volunteer Groups, which Fleet already has a volunteer.  They have also appointed a portfolio holder for Rural Transport.   Cllr Gemmell requested the press representative present not to publish any comments at this time as this would pre-empt the upcoming statement being made by the GNS. Cllr Gemmell will provide more details in the next meeting once the sign off is complete.


  1. Maintenance to Pavilion – Following a discussion to tidy and repaint the inside of the pavilion, Cllr Barnes proposed Fleet Parish Council would provide the paint and equipment.  Cllr Coupland and Cllr Dickey would meet to tidy and clear rubbish and the 3 volunteers would carry out the painting.   This was seconded by Cllr Gemmell and agreed by all.


  1. Fleet Parish Party – Cllr Barnes gave a background for ongoing discussions taking place to hold a celebration/party/picnic for the Fleet community within the Fleet playing field to celebrate and give thanks for the community coming together during the current pandemic.  But, following guidance from SHDC, the current legislations dictates that we are not yet in a position to plan a gathering.  It was resolved that we would look at arranging this in January 2021, but will constantly monitor government guidelines and legislations to updates and changes.  Cllr Penney has been asked to facilitate this and gather information and costings for the event.


  1. Dyke Grass Cutting on Playing Field – Clerk reported that there is to be a small additional cost of £15 per cut (3-4) as only one cut was previously quoted, but more are required to maintain Dykes on playing field.  This was agreed by all. 


  1. Amenity Grass Cutting – Following sightings of LCC cutting amenity grass areas within the parish that Fleet Parish Council pay for, Cllr Coupland confirmed that these are one of three cuts per year provided by LCC.  He advised that we had spoken to the contractor that currently cuts these areas for the Parish, that if he arrives to cut the area and it has already been carried out, not to cut this area and deduct from his monthly invoice.  Cllr Barnes proposed that maybe if the Clerk can find out the cutting schedule for these areas from LCC, that we ask our contractor to utilise his time for cutting the grass at the Church instead.  It was agreed that the Clerk would contact LCC to attempt to see when these cuts are due.


  1. Moles on Playing Field – Clerk reported that following on from council agreement to roller the playing field to deter the moles.  The ground is currently too hard and it would be more successful to now wait until the spring or after lots of rainfall.  This was noted by all.


  1. Budget Costing Quotes for Hard Standing – Clerk advised that 3 contractors have been approached to provide a budget quotation for the purposes of applying for grants.  To date these are still outstanding, but once received she will pass to Cllr Gemmell to build into the project plan and grant applications.


  1. Community Payback – In the absence of Cllr Penney the Clerk advised that we are still awaiting an update on when the scheme will start up again.  The current plan is to utilise this scheme to carry out improvements to the War Memorial and if time allows incorporate a wild garden area within the playing field.  Agenda September


  1. Correspondence Received:
  • Letter received form Parochial Church Council following decision on Grant application – Cllr Barnes shared the idea of a timetable for volunteers from the parish to assist the church with grass cutting.  This was discussed in detail, but safety concerns were raised along with liability issues if any damage was sustained to headstones or volunteers.  Cllr Coupland confirmed the church will be ok for grass cutting for this year.  It was agreed to review the budget contingency for next year to cover grass cutting should there be changes to the Parochial Church Council going forward.
  • Email received from Parishioner asking for consideration of cycle routes in the local area – It was agreed this request had been discussed before and resolved it was a Highways matter.  But, Fleet Parish Council would welcome the idea if it could be done in a safe way.
  • Email from Parishioner with proposal of how funds raised from yard sale are utilised – All agreed that any funds raised for re-development of the playing field would be ring fenced and only utilised for this project.  Fleet Parish Council are in the process of putting together a project plan in order to apply for grant funding. 
  1. Actions List - Clerk went through the current Actions List to provide an update and ascertain which items had been dealt with since the last meeting, resulting in the highlighted items being removed due to completion.  (Please see separate sheet titled Actions List)


  1. Speed Watch Initiative – No further updates received – Clerk to chase.


  1. Planning Matters - Cllr Donley confirmed he had nothing further to report.


  1. Emergency Planning – Given the current pandemic it was agreed that our Emergency Planning needs to be reviewed and updated as soon as possible.  It was agreed that Cllr Gemmell and Cllr Barnes would meet to discuss. 


  1. Fleet Parish Council New Website – Clerk reported that LCC have created new Parish websites for all Parishes that are fully compliant.  Clerks will now have to transfer all data from the old websites to the new before the deadline when the old website closed down.  She also confirmed a new Facebook page has been created to display events, agenda and minutes.  This can be found under ‘Fleet Parish Council’. 


  1. Date of next meeting - It was noted that the next meeting will be held on Monday 14th September 2020.  Next Meet & Greet Public Forum to be postponed until further notice.