September 2020 Minutes

Fleet Parish Council

Virtual Meeting – Monday 14 September 2020

A meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held remotely via ZOOM video conference call on Monday 14th September at 7:00 pm. This was attended by 2 members of the public and the following Councillors:

Paul Barnes (Chair), Evelyn Penney, Stephen Dickey, Valery Gemmell, Peter Coupland, Eddie McNally & the Clerk – Robyn Negus. Caroline Stockford joined Meeting following Co-option.

Public Forum – A public forum was opened:

  • Mr Smith on behalf of the walking football confirmed that they are struggling to obtain use of equipment to adjust the lights on the playing field. It was agreed that the Clerk would try source an alternative.
  • A Parishioner raised concerns over the overgrown pathway between Eastgate Gardens and Burgess Drive. Clerk confirmed that the issue is scheduled to be completed by LCC, but would chase for an estimated date.

Report from elected members of Lincolnshire Council and South Holland District Council – Cllr Coupland reported that SHDC are still working with limited resources and funds but are slowly improving following new government guidelines. Funds may be able to be recouped from government. LCC are in a much better position but remain very restricted due to Covid-19.

The Public Forum was closed and the main meeting commenced at 7:15pm

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all.

1. Apologies for Absence – received from Cllr Donley & Cllr Ward. Reasons given were noted and accepted by all.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respects of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in Agenda items. None received

3. Co-option of new Councillor - An application from Mrs C Stockford had been received for the current Councillor vacancy, she said a few words by way of introduction. As Mrs Stockford met the necessary criteria, members were pleased to agree to her co-option and she was welcomed to join the meeting.

4. Signing of the Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2020 were read and agreed by all, as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5. Financial Matters:

• Reconciliation of Bank account - Clerk talked through current bank balance following reconciliation of the bank statement for July & August 2020 - Clerk advised balance as at 03/9/20 was£24,260.68 with no unpresented cheques. Further receipts to be added amount to £855.00 in respect of the Litter Collection refund, Yard Sale & rent for use of the playing field. Bringing the total balance to £25,115.68. Members were provided with a copy of the latest bank statement for their records.
• Payment of Invoices - Payments since last meeting:

Payment Type Date Purpose Value
Online Payment 19-Jun Vat Refund -£2,329.89
Online Payment 19-Jun Insurance Refund -£66.24
Online Payment 12-Jul Salary & Wages £42.53
Online Payment 12-Jul Salary & Wages £458.03
Online Payment 06-Jul HMRC Tax £31.80
Online Payment 09-Jul Grass Cutting £380.00
Online Payment 14-Jul Grass Cutting £522.00
Online Payment 14-Jul Plants for Planters £29.49
Direct Debit 27-Jul Electric £7.91
Online Payment 03-Aug Audit Fees £240.00
Online Payment 07-Aug Grass Cutting £540.00
Online Payment 07-Aug Yard Sale Advert £75.60
Online Payment 12-Aug Salary & Wages £458.03
Online Payment 12-Aug Salary & Wages £42.73
Online Payment 13-Aug Maintenance £66.29
Online Payment 31-Jul Voluntary Car Scheme £685.05
Direct Debit 26-Aug Electric £10.00
Online Payment 18-Aug Grass Cutting £380.00
Online Deposit 01-Sep Litter Picker Ref -£590.00
Deposit 01-Sep Yard Sale -£225.00
Online Payment 02-Sep Playing Field & Pavilion -£40.00
Online Payment 08-Sep Grass Cutting £522.00
Online Payment 12-Sep Salary & Wages £458.03
Online Payment 12-Sep Salary & Wages £42.73
Online Payment 10-Sep Stationary £24.55






6. To receive reports - from:

• Playing Field & Pavilion Working Group – Cllr P Coupland reported that the playing field inspections continue to be carried out. The play area has been cleaned out with new swing seats fitted and minor repairs carried out. Thanks, on behalf of Fleet Parish Council was given to Kevin Smith giving his own time to clean out and paint the inside of the pavilion. • Planning Issues – In the absence of Cllr Donley, the Clerk gave a summary of the New White Paper Planning for the Future. The main aim is to speed up and modernise the planning system and to get the country building houses. Currently, only 50%of land areas have plans to build more homes.

The new proposals will require all Local Authorities in England to create local plans that split jurisdiction into 3 categories: 1/ Land in growth areas - will be approved for development while plans are prepared if local standards are met. Hospitals schools for the substantial sustained development of an area. 2/ Land in renewed areas will enable much quicker development where it is well designed in a way that reflects community preferences. 3/ Land in a protected area - development on Green Belt land will continue to be restricted on it is now with policy remaining a decision for local authorities as they prepare their plans.

• Fund Raising Committee – Cllr Gemmell reported that there may be confusion over the name of this committee. This committee is working on applying for grants to improve and redevelop the playing field and assets owned by the parish. But this does not mean we do not want to work with and engage in Fleet community projects. It was stressed and agreed by all that we do want to help and be involved with raising money for good causes. In light of this it was proposed we amend the name of this committee to ‘Grant Application Committee’ and have a separate section labelled ‘Fund Raising’ so we can organise events to raise money for the community. This was agreed by all.

• Planter Maintenance & War Memorial Committee – Cllr Penney reported that the yard sale was a huge success and very positive feedback was received by participants. Cllr Barnes gave thanks for all the hard work and effort put in to make it a success. She also reported that the planters are still looking nice but is now looking to replant for the winter months. So far only £20 has been spent and she will source the best prices and is growing plants at home to keep spending to a minimum.

7. Budget Costing Quotes for Hard Standing – Clerk advised that 3 contractors have been approached to provide a budget quotation for the purposes of applying for grants. To date two are still outstanding, but once received she will pass to Cllr Gemmell to build into the project plan and for use with grant applications.

8. Devolution/Unity Authority – Cllr Gemmell gave summary about plans for a devolved Lincolnshire authority, which could potentially abolish smaller councils and replace them with larger authorities in an effort to save money, reduce complexity and give communities a single unified voice. She questioned if Parish Councils would have more put on them and if they would be involved in consultations. Cllr Coupland reported that District leaders are awaiting a response from the Secretary of State to look at District proposals. District leaders and councillors like localism, local knowledge and want to keep districts alive. Further information will follow.

9. Community Payback scheme – Cllr Penney had nothing further to report on when the works will be allowed to commence due to Covid-19 restrictions. She confirmed she has managed to source slabs for the area but are slabs still acceptable? Following a discussion, it was agreed that this project needs to be split into two stages. 1, clearing the area utilising the community payback scheme and 2, deciding who will lay the slabs. It was stressed that whoever completed this stage would need to be competent and professional. A further meeting will be needed to co-ordinate the works and current budget to be reviewed. This was agreed by all.

10. Acquisition of Santa Sleigh – In the absence of Cllr Donley, Cllr Barnes advised that Fleet Parish Council have been offered to adopt ownership of a sleigh by the Spalding and Welland Rotary Club. Clerk confirmed she had researched insurance implications and advised, whilst the annual premium going forward would not increase by much, there were conditions that would need to be met. The vehicle would need to be stored in a locked building when not in use. If the vehicle were being towed, full liability insurance would need to be covered by the vehicle towing the sleigh. If the sleigh were to be stationary, no one other than an insured individual would be allowed on it. (I.E Santa only and no children). Although storage has been offered, concerns were raised over any changes in circumstances in the future. And additional cost for maintenance. Following further discussions, it was agreed by all, that there were too many risks for the number of days a year that the sleigh would be used. Therefore, it was agreed by all to decline the offer.

11. Correspondence Received: None

12. Actions List - Clerk went through the current Actions List to provide an update and ascertain which items had been dealt with since the last meeting, resulting in any highlighted items being removed due to completion. (Please see separate sheet titled Actions List)

13. Speed Watch Initiative - Cllr McNally reported he had received complaints regarding speeding vehicles in Eastgate. It was agreed that the interactive speed sign would be positioned in Eastgate to gather further information and try to reduce speeding.

14. Planning Matters – Planning Applications received were noted. Objections and concerns were raised for Planning application H05-0670-20 in respect of a Residential development of 55 dwellings. Cllr Coupland confirmed that following a meeting with SHDC planning, this application would not be progressed.

15. Working with Community Groups – It was resolved that this item had been discussed under item 6.

16. Emergency Planning – Cllr Gemmell asked if we could retrieve the Battle Box as belong to LCC.  Once we have this we can review the emergency plan and reintroduce.  Clerk agreed to investigate and confirm at the next meeting.

17. To Note Date of Next Meeting – Monday 16th November 2020. Next Meet & Greet Public Forum postponed until further notice