November 2020 Minutes

Virtual Meeting – Monday 16 November 2020

A meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held remotely via ZOOM video conference call on Monday 16 November at 7:00 pm.  This was attended by 5 members of the public a member of the press and the following Councillors:

Paul Barnes (Chair), Evelyn Penney, Stephen Dickey, Valery Gemmell, Peter Coupland, Caroline Stockford, Geoff Donley & the Clerk – Robyn Negus.

Public Forum – A public forum was opened:

A Parishioner raised several concerns about the planning application H05-0851-20.  All comments were noted, and Fleet Parish Council confirmed that objections had been submitted on behalf of the Parish Council. 

Report from elected members of Lincolnshire County Council and South Holland District Council:

Cllr Coupland reported that SHDC are again working with very limited resources but are doing their best to deal with any issues that arise.  The main cause for concern was refuse collection so a contingency plan is being worked on.

The Public Forum was closed, and the main meeting commenced at 7:15pm

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all.

1. Apologies for Absence – received from Cllr McNally & Cllr Ward. Reasons given were noted and accepted by all.

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respects of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in Agenda items. Interest noted for Cllr Barnes, Gemmell and Penney in respect of item 17c on the agenda.  Declaration of Interest book noted and will be signed when Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.

3. Signing of the Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2020 were read.  Cllr Gemmell pointed out that an omission had been made in respect of item 16, Emergency Planning.  Clerk agreed to amend and re-present at the next meeting.

4. Financial Matters:

• Reconciliation of Bank account - Clerk talked through current bank balance following reconciliation of the bank statement for September & October 2020 - Clerk advised balance as at 06/11/20 was £22,594.03, with pending payment to the value of £1,613.35.  Further receipts to be added amount to £75 in respect of use of the playing field.  Bringing the total balance to £21,055.68.  Members were provided with a copy of the latest bank statement for their records.  

• Payment of Invoices - Payments since last meeting:

Online Payment  16-Sep Grass Cutting £380.00

Online Payment 18-Sep General Admin £120.00

Direct Debit 28-Sep Electric £9.40

Online Deposit 02-Oct Playing Field & Pavilion -£60.00

Online Payment 07-Oct HMRC Tax £32.00

Online Payment 07-Oct Salary & Wages £42.53

Online Payment 07-Oct Salary & Wages £343.03

Online Payment 07-Oct Grass Cutting £522.00

Online Payment 07-Oct Playing Field & Pavilion £75.00

Online Deposit 02-Nov Playing Field & Pavilion -£75.00

Direct Debit 30-Oct Electric £10.38

Online Payment 05-Nov Repairs & Maintenance £117.60

Online Payment 05-Nov Grass Cutting £522.00

Online Payment 05-Nov Grass Cutting £380.00

Online Payment 05-Nov Poppy Appeal £17.00

Online Payment 05-Nov Plants for Planters £35.33

Online Payment 05-Nov Playing Field & Pavilion £57.06

Online Payment 12-Nov Salary & Wages £441.63

Online Payment 12-Nov Salary & Wages £42.73

• Finalisation of external Audit by PFK Littlejohn – Clerk confirmed that the Audit had now concluded, and no issues were raised.

• Budget Forecast -Considerations ahead of Precept decision in January 2021 – Clerk had circulated a copy of the 21- 22 budget forecast for councillors to review.  Following a brief discussion Cllr Gemmell proposed that at this stage we should not be looking to increase the precept this year as is has been a tough for so many.  This was seconded by Cllr Penney.  A vote of 6 for and 1 abstained was carried.

5. To receive reports - from:

• Playing Field & Pavilion Working Group – Cllr P Coupland reported that the park and playing field inspections continue to take place with no issues note.  The playing field has now had its last grass cut for the year.   

• Planning Issues – Cllr Donley reported that objections have been submitted for H05-081-20 for Mill House.

• Fund Raising Committee – Cllr Gemmell wanted to reiterate, whilst the council will still support and assist with fund raising for any community projects, to make it clear we should re name this committee as ‘Playing Field Redevelopment Grant Applications Committee’ to avoid any confusion.  This was agreed by all.  She also reported that she now has more promising links to assist with our applications and asked if any other councillors would like to volunteer to assist.  Cllr Stockford and Cllr Penney confirmed they were happy to volunteer and assist.  A meeting will be held to share information gathered so far and propose a business plan. 

• Planter Maintenance (Hedge Maintenance) & War Memorial Committee – Due to ZOOM technical issues Cllr Penney was unable to deliver her report – Agenda January 2021.

6. Budget Costing Quotes for Hard Standing – Cllr Barnes advised that we had approached 3 contractors to provide a budget costing for providing a hard standing area on the Fleet playing field at the entrance on Old Main road.  Only one contractor responded with a quote of £21,200, which considers carrying out this work in the future once funding is sourced.  Cllr Barnes proposed we use a budget figure of £23-25K for this project.  Cllr Gemmell stressed that we should be including a cost for gym equipment to assist with applications.  Following much discussion, it was agreed to complete the business plan and proceed with applying for available funding.

7. Community Payback scheme – Cllr Penney had nothing further to report at present.

8. Christmas – Light up Fleet – Clerk reported on behalf of Cllr Penney, an idea for parishioners to light up Fleet with Christmas lights in windows or houses.  A competition was proposed, but after much discussion, decided against.  So, posters will be displayed to encourage parishioners to take part.  A new rooted Christmas tree will be sourced and planted on the playing field, with an agreed budget of £50-60.

9. Correspondence Received:

• Email from LALC - LALC County Committee Vacancy Email circulated, Cllr Gemmell is already a member.  If any other Cllrs would like to apply, it was agreed they would contact the Clerk.

• Email from Fleet Residents Events Committee requesting donation of the remaining balance from last year’s district grant towards the Christmas Festival, which is £50.  A representative from the committee was present at the meeting and confirmed they wish to utilise funds for purchasing sweets and selection boxes for the children of Fleet, subject to being able to get the Santa Sleigh on the road.  All Covid-19 rules will be followed.  Although this committee is not run by the Parish Council, it was stressed that all health and Safety risk assessments should be carried out.  After much discussion it was noted what good work and the good intentions of this committee, which Fleet Parish Council want to support.  But, concerns were raised that £50 asked for would not be enough.  Cllr Barnes proposed we donate £150 and if any further funds were needed, they request more.  It was also agreed that the Fleet Residents Events Committee provide a copy of receipts for how the funds are spent, for audit purposes.  Cllr Barnes proposed we offer £150, this was seconded by Cllr Gemmell.  This was agreed by all.  

• Email from parishioner expressing concerns again with speeding vehicles down Lowgate.  Cllr Coupland reported that he had already put in for a Traffic Restriction Order but has now re applied for this and in addition added the potential traffic that may come from the Mill House development, if approved.  It was agreed that Clerk would write to the companies located down Lowgate to request they support us in asking employees to be mindful of their speed.  

10. Actions List - Clerk went through the current Actions List to provide an update and ascertain which items had been dealt with since the last meeting, resulting in any highlighted items being removed due to completion.  (Please see separate sheet titled Actions List)

11. Speed Watch Initiative – In the absence of Cllr McNally, Clerk asked if the interactive speed sign had been placed in Eastgate Gardens.  Cllr Coupland confirmed due to COVID-19 restrictions it has been difficult to erect this as it is a two-man job but is on the priority list. 

12. Planning Matters – Other than items reported on under agenda item 5, Cllr Donley had nothing further to report.

13. Emergency Planning – Cllr Gemmell is awaiting confirmation of where the ‘Battle Box’ is located so it can be reinstated, once Covid-19 restrictions have been relaxed.

14. Set meeting dates for 2021: Proposed dates for Parish Council Meetings in 2021 were noted and agreed:

January 18th – next meeting

March 15th

May 17th

July 19th

September 20th

November 15th

15. Propose dates for 2021 Public Forums: To be considered once social distancing restrictions have been relaxed.

16. To Note Date of Next Meeting – Monday 18th January 2021.  Next Meet & Greet Public Forum postponed until further notice

20:16 The public left the meeting

17. It was resolved to go into closed session to discuss:

• Staffing matters 

• Review quotations received for Electrical Safety Certificate & Flood lights on playing field

• Grant Application from RBL