January 2025 DRAFT Minutes

Meeting – Tuesday 21 January 2025
The meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held at the Gedney Hill Memorial Hall, Hillgate.  Gedney Hill PE12 0NN, on Tuesday 21 January 2025, which was attended by 1 member of the public and the following Councillors: Paul Barnes, Kevin Smith, Evelyn Penney, Chas Penney. Ashlie Smith & the Clerk.

Public Forum – A Parishioner raised concerns about suspicious activity near the playing field making residents feel unsafe.  Cllr P Barnes confirmed he would take this forward and contact the relevant authorities. 

Lincolnshire County Councillor Report – Due to the absence of LCC P Coupland, no reports were received.  It was discussed and agreed that should he not be able to attend a meeting, that he provide a written report to the Clerk to share at the meeting. 
District Report - Cllr Barnes – As reported in the media, that our local government is changing to a Unity Authority, LLC elections may not go ahead and SHDC will cease in about 2 years’ time.  A meeting that was due to be held to discuss the outcome of the Survey for refuse bins, has been put on hold, but the purchase of food waste bins is going ahead.  The budget was due to be approved, with more funds planned to go to the Drainage Board. 

25.01.109    Apologies for Absence – None  

25.01.110 To receive applications (if any) for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy – The attending member of the public expressed an interest in joining, and following a discussion was co-opted on to the council but following further thought withdrew the application after the meeting. 
•    Discuss how we can Recruit new Cllrs – Cllrs discussed and agreed to have a think on what we can do to encourage new Cllrs – Posters will be shared on the notice boards, social media and website. 

25.01.111 Resolve to Elect Vice Chairperson – Following a discussion it was Resolved to elect a Vice Chair during the Annual Parish Council meeting – Giving us a chance to recruit new members so we have a full council.

25.01.112 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations in respects of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in Agenda items – None received

25.01.113  Signing of the Minutes – Clerk’s corrections from the meeting on 18 November 2024 were previously circulated, read and RESOLVED by all, as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 

25.01.114    Financial Matters:
•    Reconciliation of Bank account - Clerk talked through current bank balance following reconciliation of the bank statements for November & December 2024 – The balance as of 31st December 2024 was £49,919.28 with no pending payments.  Members were provided with a copy of the latest bank statement for their records.   
•    Budget Forecast – Clerk had circulated a copy of the 25/26 budget forecast for councillors to review.  Following an in-depth review and discussion noting that our current budget would result in a deficit of £3,788 for the year ahead and Clerks concerns that the Parish Council does not hold any reserves. A proposal for increasing the precept by 10% was seconded and agreed by all.  It was RESOLVED to increase the precept by 10%.  This equates to an increase of 37p per month (£4.47 per year) for a band D property.  Clerk will apply for a Precept of £39,430 for 2025/26 which is an increase of £3,584 on the prior year.  
•    Payment of Invoices:


Hire of hall for meetings



Open Space Project



Playing Field grass cutting



Open Space Project



Audit fees



Clerk/RFO Salary



Litter Picker wage






Amenity grass cutting



Upkeep of pavilion & playing field



Tax/NI contributions



Clerk/RFO Salary



Litter Picker wage


All noted and approved.
•    Review Mid-Year Internal Audit Report – Clerk shared details following conclusion of the Mid-Year internal Audit.  Nothing of concern was raised other than a reminder to keep the Parish policies up to date on the Website.  It was agreed that all Cllrs would review the website and policies form time to time and raise any issues with the Clerk. 

25.01.115 Chairmans Statement regarding comments made that may be libellous and inappropriate – The Chair made a statement about comments made by members of the public which were being directed at individuals and the council as a whole.  Obviously, no one should be subjected to these kinds of accusations or comments and following a discussion further advice will be sought.
25.01.116 To receive reports - from:
•    Playing Field & Pavilion Working Party – Cllr K Smith reported that we now had 2 teams using the 5 a side pitch for training.  He also asked for consideration for purchase of a new notice board to erect in the accessible car park so we can display larger signs.  It was resolved to purchase a new one, the same as the ones previously purchased for the School and Corner of Eastgate.  
a)    Review Grass Cutting and Amenity Maintenance Works Schedule – This was previously circulated and it was agreed by all to invite Tenders for the works listed. 
b)    Update on works for accessible parking area and path – Good progress is being made, but bad weather has delayed completion. 
c)    Discuss repairs to rowing Machine – It was resolved to hold on the repairs form now as it is still functional, but monitor and re Agenda should repairs be required. 
d)    Moles on playing field – Resolved to reinstate assistance with deterring moles. 
e)    Review Independent Inspection report for Playing field - Not yet received. Agenda February
•    Fund Raising and Grants Working Party – Cllr P Barnes shared a report prepared by Cllr A Smith, Clerk noted her apologies for not previously sharing this with Full Council. 
f)        Update on submitted Grant applications – Following on from news that the application date for further Shared Prosperity funds had been extended, a survey was carried out.  This resulted in submission of an application for funds in respect of purchasing more benches to be sited around the Parish.  Results for this are awaited. 
•    War Memorial & Amenities Working Party (including Cherry Lane)
g)    Review quote to clean War Memorial – A quotation for cleaning was reviewed and it was Resolved not to accept this year. 
•    Observations following asset inspections – Nothing of concern was raised. 

25.01.117 Parish Survey – Update on launch of new Parish Survey – Cllr A Smith shared the final version of the Survey, which had received good feedback.  It was Resolved that the survey would be produced on A4 and distributed to all households within the Parish by hand in March.  Drop off points would be agreed, with an online version available too. 

25.01.118 Proposed Reduction in Speed Limit – FLEET, VARIOUS ROADS – PROPOSED 30MPH SPEED LIMIT TF/293 – Details were previously circulated.  No further action required at this time. 
25.01.119  Proposed Reduction in Speed Limit – Fleet Road RH/2093 B1515 – Feedback from the survey was shared and it was resolved to share with Highways.   
25.01.120 Correspondence Received:
•    Email from LCC re Fleet Wood Lane School consultation – Clerk shared feedback following this consultation.  Further information to follow.
•    Email from SHDC re Homelessness Prevention – Previously circulated, no further action required. 
•    Email from LCC Highways re NHT Survey – Resolved to share this survey on the Parish Facebook page for residents to complete. 
•    Email from Parishioner regarding inconsiderate/dangerous parking – Resolved that this is a highways matter. Clerk to respond accordingly. 

25.01.121    Actions List - To discuss completion of outstanding items and agree timescales 
•    Update on tree works at Church End – Clerk reported that it was proving difficult to obtain contractors to quote but will keep trying.  A question was raised about ownership of the green by the church.  Clerk/Chair to investigate further - Outstanding
•    Update on location for notice board at Gedney Hill end of Parish – Various locations discussed, and further review of the area needed to ensure a safe location is agreed – Resolved to remove this item and should a suitable area be found, re Agenda

25.01.122 Speed Watch Initiative - To review any information gathered from the interactive speed sign & Police Speed Camera - Cllr K Smith shared information gathered.  He noted that now the evenings were getting lighter, more sessions would be taking place. 

25.01.123 Planning Matters - To note all Planning Applications and decisions received from SHDC since the last meeting:
Applications received since last Meeting:


Reference no - Type



Comments by:


H05-0989-24 Prior Approval APP

Proposed change of use of agricultural building to 2 No Dwellings

 Primrose Farm Maisdyke Lane



H05-0877-24 Full

Barn conversion including extension to form dwelling

Adjacent to The Chestnuts Church End



 H05-1023-24 Full

Change of use of premises from Class E to Class B2




 H05-0004-25 Full

 Proposed two storey rear extension




H05-0037-25 Full

Replace existing window with french doors



Decided Planning Applications by SHDC:


Reference no - Type



Comments by:


H05-0786-24 Full

Single storey side extension & alterations to existing dwelling, detached ancillary annexe

20 Fleet Road Holbeach Spalding Lincolnshire



H05-0826-24 s73a Continuation

Proposed development comprising 2 houses (including new vehicular access off Fleet Road) - approved under H05-1070-21. Modification of Condition 2 to allow amendments to previously approved plans

Land North Of Holbeach Manor Fleet Road Fleet



H05-0990-24 Tree Works in Con

Works to Trees in Fleet Conservation Area

St Pauls Church End Fleet Spalding



H05-0872-24 Full

Proposed Double Garage

Torrington Lodge Torrington Lane Fleet



H05-1000-24 Consultation

Proposed substation

Mill Hill House Farm Fleet Bank Fleet



H05-0914-24 Full

Proposed two storey rear extension

Fleetwood House New Fen Drove Gedney Hill


25.01.124    Forward Planning & Events
•    Feedback following Light Up Fleet Christmas 2024 – Not many entries received, which was a shame as so many properties made a huge effort this year. 
•    Spalding Flower Parade May 2025 – No response received from school, so remove and re Agenda if required. 
•    8th May VE Celebration – Plans underway.
•    VE Day 11th May 2025 – Plans set
•    Update on plans for Fleet Summer Fete June 2025 – Volunteer meeting to be held 23 January to start plans. 
•    *Extra Agenda Item *   Cllr P Barnes asked Cllr to have a think about inviting a small circus to attend Fleet.  Information was still being gathered for resolution – Agenda February. 

25.01.125 To Note Date of Next Meeting – Proposal to move the next meeting to Monday 24 February was accepted and agreed by all. 
Meeting Closed 21:15